“I really just care about whatever the project is in front of me,” Gunn said. “‘The Suicide Squad’ is made to be seen first and foremost on a big screen. I think it’s gonna work just fine on television. Listen, movies don’t last because they’re seen on the big screen. Movies last because they’re seen on television. ‘Jaws’ isn’t still a classic because people are watching it in theaters. I’ve never seen ‘Jaws’ in a movie theater. It’s one of my favorite movies.”

Gunn is next moving to television with HBO Max’s “Peacemaker” series, a continuation of his “Suicide Squad” movie that centers on John Cena’s eponymous character. The filmmaker told Variety that working on the “Peacemaker” series taught him that he can be equally happy working in TV as he can making movies. “In fact, in some ways, I’m more comfortable in television, because I get more time to focus on the characters, and I don’t feel so pressured to move to the next scene and the next scene and the next scene,” Gunn said. “I also don’t want the theatrical experience to die. I don’t know if that is possible, but we also don’t know what’s going to happen. We’ve still got COVID, because people won’t get vaccinated, which, you know, they should. Hopefully — hopefully — that will not be a big deal to us in a year. And if that’s the case, what’s going to happen? We don’t know. Nobody knows. I care, because I would rather have people be able to go to the movies. But also, if they don’t, I’m not going to go slit my wrists. I don’t care that much.” “The Suicide Squad” is now streaming on HBO Max and playing in theaters. Sign Up: Stay on top of the latest breaking film and TV news! Sign up for our Email Newsletters here.